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About East Capital

About East Capital

We invest in emerging and frontier markets worldwide. Since our start in 1997 we have strived to be long-term, active and responsible investors and owners.
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East Capital is an active asset manager specialising in emerging and frontier markets. Our investment teams base their investment strategy on in-depth knowledge of local markets, fundamental analysis and frequent company visits. Evaluation of ESG-related risks and opportunities forms an integral part of the investment process. We favour investments in companies that show long-term sustainable growth and have responsible owners.

East Capital is part of East Capital Group, a global asset manager based in Sweden since 1997 offering investment solutions within equities, fixed income securities and real estate. East Capital Group serves a wide range of international investors including leading institutions, companies and private individuals.

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Investment Philosophy

Our investment teams leverage their deep understanding of local markets, fundamental analysis, and regular business connections to inform their investment decisions. Since our start in 1997, we have we have strived to be long-term, active and responsible investors and owners and during the years developed a unique, proprietary ESG-strategy for responsible investing.

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East Capital Group

East Capital is part of East Capital Group, a global asset manager based in Sweden since 1997. Within East Capital Groupyou will find East Capital, Espiria, Adrigo and East Capital Real Estate. We offer a range of investment solutions within equities, fixed income securities, real estate, and alternatives. The essence of our business is not only to find attractive investment opportunities, but also to actively work to drive change, influencing industries around the world to become more sustainable - combining active investment with a clear ESG framework.