East Capital Multi-Strategi
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Article 8
226.78 SEK
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Article 8
The content on this page is marketing communication. Investment in funds always involves some kind of risk. Past performance is no guarantee for future performance. Fund units may go up or down in value and investors may not get back the amount invested.
129.17 SEK
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Article 8
226.78 SEK
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Article 8
East Capital Multi-Strategi is a actively managed, well-balanced portfolio that invests globally in equities and fixed-income securities.
The investment objective of East Capital Multi-Strategi is to deliver a combination of long-term capital growth and interest income. This is achieved through active asset allocation and diversified investments across multiple strategies, ensuring effective risk management.
Our investment strategy is based on extensive company knowledge gained through proprietary fundamental analysis and frequent company meetings. We incorporate ESG-related risks and opportunities in our investment process, and favour companies with long-term, sustainable growth perspectives and responsible ownership.
East Capital Multi-Strategi (in SEK) rose by 1.7% during the fourth quarter and the fund delivered an annual return of 15.3%.
The equities part of the fund gained 3.7%, adding 0.9% to the NAV. The fund's equity exposure declined by 2ppts as Korea, China and Swedish exposure declined –10.2%, 3.8% and 32% respectively. Swedish equity exposure was affected only by the 32% decline in Webrock ventures, a Swedish technology company active in Brazil. While India, Taiwan, Romania were up by 9.1%, 10.7% and 8.3% respectively. Taiwan stood out as the clear leader, with a return of 35%, propelled by TSMC's substantial growth (+20% in 4Q 2024). Consequently, exposure to Taiwan grew to 8.4% share while exposure to China decreased to 10.8% share, in Korea to 4%. In China weakest contribution came from Alibaba Group correcting 17% after a strong 3Q 2024. In Korea Samsung Electronics continued down 15.5%. On the fixed income side, our bonds gained 1.9% in SEK contributing 0.5% to NAV with best-performing bond in Iceland of Arion Banki (Iceland) up 11%.
The fund remains a good proxy for the East Capital GEMS fund (ca. 63% share), fixed income instruments in Nordics (19%) and EMs (14%) and well as 4% cash position.
Performance in SEK net of fees.
This publication is not directed at you if we are prohibited by any law in any jurisdiction from making this information available to you and is not intended for any use that would be contrary to local laws or regulations. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this document, but it may be based on unaudited or unverified figures or sources. The information in this document should not be used as the sole basis for an investment. Please read the Prospectus and the KID, which are available on the fund page.
East Capital Multi-Strategi A SEK
Launch date
Morningstar Rating™ (Total rating)
Yearly fee
Management fee
East Capital Multi-Strategi B SEK
Launch date
Morningstar Rating™ (Total rating)
Yearly fee
Management fee
Funds with risk class 6-7 can have sharp decreases or increases in value.
Lower risk
Higher risk
Lower possible return
Higher possible return
Lower risk
Higher risk
Lower possible return
Higher possible return
A full spectrum of expertise
Reporting of the fund's historical returns does not consider inflation.
The merger of the Funds East Capital Balkan, East Capital New Europe, East Capital Russia and East Capital Eastern Europe with East Capital Balkans, East Capital New Europe, East Capital Russia and East Capital Eastern Europe (respectively) has been carried out in accordance with the submitted merger plan, which was approved by Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) on 15 February 2022.
East Capital Balkans, East Capital New Europe, East Capital Russia and East Capital Eastern Europe thus ended on 1 April 2022.
Following the merger, former shareholders in East Capital Balkan, East Capital New Europe, East Capital Russia and East Capital Eastern Europe now own shares in East Capital Balkans, East Capital New Europe, East Capital Russia and East Capital Eastern Europe.
More information about the merger, such as the auditor's opinion on the exchange relationship, can be obtained from the management company East Capital Asset Management S.A. upon request.
Investing through a financial intermediary may impact the investor’s rights to compensation in the event that compensation is paid due to errors or non-compliance.
The Global Industry Classification Standard (“GICS”) was developed by and is the exclusive property and a service mark of MSCI Inc. (“MSCI”) and Standard & Poor’s, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (“S&P”) and is licensed for use by East Capital. Neither MSCI, S&P nor any third party involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classifications makes any express or implied warranties or representations with respect to such standard or classification (or the results to be obtained by the use thereof), and all such parties hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any of such standard or classification. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall MSCI, S&P, any of their affiliates or any third party involved in making or compiling the GICS or any GICS classifications have any liability for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential or any other damages (including lost profits) even if notified of the possibility of such damages.
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